Monday, January 6, 2020


2020 allowed for the best possible New Years party theme, 'The Roaring Twenties' and I have never been more excited over a party theme - granted I never really go to themed parties but that is not the point. The Great Gatsby costume on a budget may not have been historically accurate, and it may have ended up looking cheap and tacky but at the end of the night everyone was too drunk to notice anyway.

2019 literally flew by. I can't believe it's over and we're going into a new decade. Originally I wanted make some resolutions for this new year but instead of doing that, I thought it would be more positive to quickly talk about what I hope this next year will bring and go into 2020 with a fresh, positive mindset instead of spending the year worrying that I haven't accomplished a list of objectives.

I hope to travel in 2020. I still, at 20 years old, haven't left the country and there are so many places I want to see and so many cultures I'm aching to experience first hand. I would absolutely love to go and see a bunch of different cities across the world and just experience everything I can. The only problem is I can't decide which place I want to go to first, I'm too indecisive, but once a country is decided and some money is saved I'm sure I will figure it out.

I also hope that next year I can set more time aside to read. I used to read all the time, and I still love books but I'm just so wrapped up in other things I often forget to stop doing things and take some time out. I have a pile of books I've picked up from various charity shops and they're just sitting there waiting to be read, hopefully I can shorten that pile next year.

Leading on from that, something that I've been wanting to do for a while is to start writing a book. I have quite a long summer break after finishing my second year so I hope that I'm not too busy, but more likely too scared, to actually sit down and start writing something, at least. Writing a book is something that I've wanted to do for such a long time but the thought of taking on a task that intense is a little daunting and I haven't been able to crack out of that fear just yet. Maybe 2020 is the year I'll finally have worked up the courage, fingers crossed.

I suppose this one is more of a resolution than a 'hope', but I do want to try and cut down the time I spend on social media. Someone showed me recently that your phone can tell you how long you spend on different apps, and in one week I had spent nearly the equivalent of a WHOLE DAY across Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. I know I spent a lot of time mindlessly scrolling but 20 hours in one week is just insane. I need to work on cutting down that time, a lot - I need to live in the moment a bit more.

I really hope that 2020 is a good year. I think everything is quite fast pace and quick moving at the moment, time seems to be flying by and I just want to enjoy everything and not miss out on things I love. I plan a lot and like to stick to my plans instead of just letting things happen - a bit of a control freak. But hopefully 2020 will show me to be more calm and to appreciate things more rather than getting nervous about deadlines or unexpected plans. 2020 will be a year of me chilling out a little more and embracing life.

I wish everyone a safe and happy 2020 and may this decade bring all you hope for!

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