Tuesday, April 30, 2019


(photo credit -  Zakk Andrew Poland // @thisisglasslife)

Free Galaxy are a Coventry based four-piece alt-rock band, taking inspiration from the likes of The Smashing Pumpkins and Foo Fighters to Milk Teeth and Slaves. Their latest single 'Leave Me' was released last week and, alongside the two singles the band shared last year, solidifies the band in a riff heavy alt-rock genre. 

"Leave Me" instantly instills a sense of 90's rock and grunge music, with palm muted guitars and a quieter tone to accompany a more sombre tone in both vocal delivery and lyrical content. The verse builds quickly into a much heavier chorus, which stays true to the harmonic nature of the bands vocals, with a loud hook followed by an almost rap like delivery on each repeat. Although the song is simple on the surface using standard guitar/bass/drums/vocals, the way the dynamics change with each section is well crafted, creating an interesting listen.

It is clear what the band are trying to deliver with this song, and I believe they did a great job. You really get a feel of angst which any teenager can relate too and any one older can listen and think about how gross being a teenager is. A song that leaves you with a feeling of anger more so than joy, but in a good way.

Listen to the single here :

Follow them on their socials here:


Friday, April 26, 2019


(photo credit - KJ Photography, Facebook @KJ_Photograogy, Instagram @kje_photo_graphy)

After releasing two singles in the past six months 'The Nu' is gracing us with an EP that does more than strengthen his place in the Birmingham music scene. I wrote about the last single release over three months ago and all my predictions have come true - Darius is absolutely killing it, playing shows in venues such as The Sunflower Lounge and gaining an impressive following across social media as well as being played on BBC Introducing!

The two singles that have previously been released are joined by three new tracks on the 'Keep It A Secret' EP. The EP starts off with new track 'The Hardest Part', this one is probably my favourite and is going to be a party playlist must have for me. During the climax of the song the busy synths almost project the idea of being in that confusing headspace that Zaltash talks about in the lyrics, it's all very clever and well thought out. To me this song would fit perfectly on nearly any movie soundtrack where the couple have broken up and then realised they do in fact love each other so are running through the city trying to find the other, the lyrics and running pace of the song just send me to that place, but I do spend a lot of time watching romantic comedy's so that might be a linking factor.

The second of the new tracks is called 'The Homestretch', it again has a more stripped back dance music vibe compared to the super club-like singles that have already been released. Even though the song is quite acoustic to start off with there is the underlying synth that distinguishes 'The Nu', it also helps that Zaltash's vocals are so distinctive you could never mistake one of his songs for another artist's. The choice of synths and guitar tones are perfect in this track, they're soft enough to create a somber mood but they're still so powerful and make you want to dance. Can you tell how incredibly jealous I am of how talented Zaltash is? If you can't, I am very, very jealous. He is so cool.

The final song on the EP 'Temporary' is a vocal experience, the vocals stand out against the building of instruments behind them and come across full of emotion especially during the build up towards the end of the song. The mix of emotion and dance music within this EP has been done so very well. The lyrics come across as being honest and truthful, almost as if you can hear the stories behind Zaltash's lyrics. I'm not sure if you can describe dance music as being emotional but these lyrics could have easily been put over piano chords and sound very adele-esque but instead they're joined by very well written and produced dance music which is different, and something I haven't come across very often (in a good way don't worry!).

The execution of this EP is so professional, I've said before that I often feel like dance music sounds way to busy and overproduced but the production on this new EP is so well done and creates a unique sound that separates 'The Nu' from other artists. It's insane how talented Darius Zaltash is, not only does he create amazing music, sing incredibly well and work very hard to do so, but he is also one of the nicest and most humble people I have ever met.

To keep up with everything 'The Nu' is doing and listen to their EP, follow them on their socials down below!

Facebook -

Tuesday, April 23, 2019


We all love a nice long weekend and lucky for us this years bank holiday weekend happened to fall on the loveliest and hottest weekend we've had for a while. The weather was absolutely lush so that not only meant the start of my summer wardrobe but the start of long summer days and evenings spent in the pub garden with great company, what more can you ask for? For this post I thought I'd try something a little different, I've been wanting to incorporate some fashion and styling content onto my blog but wasn't 100% sure on how I wanted to do it but I tried my hardest to create something I liked and thought others might too. I'll be honest and say I got very confused trying to sort out the formatting for these videos but I hope it's not too bad!

(GypsyRose midi dress from TKMAXX, Dr Martens boots, Denim Jacket second hand DIY, Snakeskin handbag second hand)

On Good Friday I had plans to do some Uni work but as soon as I woke up and saw the sun I scrapped that idea pretty quickly. My boyfriend already had plans to go record some new music with his band so I was left to my own devices, we hadn't yet gone exploring much of the park life in Birmingham so I wasn't 100% sure where I was going to spend my day. I ultimately chose to stick with the safe option of the little park virtually opposite our flat blocks, not the prettiest park but it was sunny so I was happy. Whilst at the park, as well as dog watching, I read a couple articles from my latest magazine purchase 'Gusher'. I love this magazine, the articles are exclusively written by women and about women, the magazine is the most aesthetically pleasing I have ever seen, the pages are bright and colourful and the writing is interesting and fresh. I sat in the sun for a good couple of hours before walking into the town centre and stopping off to pick up a new book after finding an old Waterstones gift card in the bottom of my bag.

On my way home I made a detour to go check in on my boyfriend mainly because I needed a break from walking, Doc Martens on a hot day aren't the best choice, my feet were boiling. It was seven pm and the sun was still glaring down, the weather was still hot and I was confused. When the evenings staying so light and warm like this I tend not to get hungry and have dinner till much later but I read somewhere that you shouldn't eat something like 4 hours before going to bed, I think the way to make dinners more summery in a sense is to swap chips for baby potatoes and salad, almost making it more like a lunch. I've currently been loving the Birdseye chicken chargrills because they cook in literally ten minutes and it makes it look like you've actually grilled fresh chicken breast so I feel a bit fancier.

(Next midi skirt, Topshop black bandeau top, ASOS platform sandals, second hand mini black backpack, Primark belt.)

On Easter Saturday I again ventured into the town centre, I chose to wear sandals after my feet over heating in my docs the previous day but again my shoe choice was a mistake, my feet were cut to shreds after just the walk into town. I'm so upset because these sandals are so incredibly cute and I love them but they literally broke my feet and have left me with scars, I'm not sure why they did this as they've never rubbed before at all so I'm a little stumped, I'll probably still wear them as they're cute as hell but I'll just have to be sure not to walk to far. After my sandal mishap I thought it best to buy some new sandals that, fingers crossed, wouldn't hurt me, so I bought some lovely sandals from TopShop that have foam lining.

On the way back from town obviously we had to stop at our local pub, The Ruin in Digbeth, drinking in the sun is too easy I could've sat in there for hours upon hours and wouldn't have got bored. Sitting in the sunshine with good friends and good drinks is just the perfect summers day, so simple but not always budget friendly for us students. On Saturday evening my mum came up to visit and stay over to spend Easter Sunday with me and my boyfriend, this came at a handy time as I needed a bigger car for an IKEA trip I had been planning anyway. My mum kindly took me to IKEA to pick up my new mirror (which you can see in the outfit photos) which I have been eyeing up for a while, I wanted a decent size, full length mirror to add some fashion content onto my blog but the mirror would never have fit in the Fiat Panda in a million years. Whilst also at IKEA I grabbed one of their V shaped pillows which has been maybe the best idea of my life, I'm pretty sure these pillows are meant for pregnant women but I cannot explain how much this pillow has helped my sleeping, I often struggle to get comfortable when I'm going to sleep but this pillow has helped tremendously and I would 100% recommend to everyone, it's literally £7!

(BooHoo bodysuit, Forever 21 dress, TopShop sandals, second hand mini backpack)

Easter Sunday was the most chill day of my bank holiday weekend, my mum and sister came to visit so we went for a stroll in the sun and ended up at a random pub in the town centre to have out Easter lunch. The selection wasn't great so I had the chicken roast dinner, the food looked great but the bones in my chicken made me feel awful so I couldn't bring myself to eat any of it but I did have a very fancy gin. My family hadn't had the opportunity to see the area in which I live yet so they got a little tour of Digbeth and of course we ended up in the pub again. I was struggling a little as I was so worn out by the heat especially after my last two days had been full of walking a late nights so I had a little nap and finished my day by watching nearly the whole first season of 'Your face of mine" on NowTV. It was nice to spend time with my family but Easter has never been a massive deal to me, the long weekend is lovely but Easter Sunday is just a day where there's not much to do and everything is closed so not a great day to explore Birmingham, the day after though is the day to go buy discounted chocolate so I won't complain.

(Boohoo mini skirt, Primark cami top, second hand oversized shirt, TopShop sandals, second hand mini backpack.)

Bank holiday Monday was beautiful and I had the loveliest day. In the morning I combated my sandal problem by creating my very own sandal socks, I can't say I'm the first person to create this amazing invention but they made my feet very happy. I very creatively cut the toe part off a pair of socks and then also cut just before the heel to create almost a bandage around the part of my foot that was being destroyed by the sandals rubbing and voila! sandal socks. To be honest they don't look bad! I was expecting to look a tad odd but they weren't very noticeable and even if they did I would've kept them on to keep myself sane through the pain from the cuts on my feet. Since I was already on a DIY grind I decided to make one of my many pairs of jeans a little more summery but cropping them and fraying the hem, I thought this looked a lot less bulky than rolling them at the bottom especially when wearing them with sandals compared to my normal choice of doc martens. 

Again the weather was gorgeous so we set off to scout out a new place to bask in the sun, we ended up meeting a bunch of friends at Cannon Hill Park in Birmingham which is possibly the most beautiful park I've set foot in. The park is absolutely huge, there are flowers everywhere, a boating lake, vast spans of grass and even a mini golf course! The sunshine makes me want to have a BBQ but since I live in a flat with no garden or even a balcony we don't have that option but we did grab a selection of snacks on the way to the park and had a little picnic instead. We also bought a frisbee from PoundLand but surprise surprise it broke within a minute of us playing and my boyfriend cut open his finger so that ended our frisbee dreams quite quickly. The day was beautiful and we spent all afternoon just chatting in the sun and playing Irish snap which was violent but fun, the only thing better than spending time with good friends is doing so in the sun.

I really enjoy doing these type of blog posts where I just write about my experiences but do people actually want to read about what I do or would you rather have me write about a topic? I often struggle to choose what to write about but it seems like people who read my blog much prefer the beauty/lifestyle type of blogposts. I have some posts in the works, fashion and makeup related which I am excited about but would people actually read about these things when they can watch someone on YouTube do the same in a video? If you have an opinion or anything you would like to see me write about or do then please feel free to leave a comment or message me!

Tuesday, April 9, 2019


My skincare routine has had many changes over the past couple of months but one thing I've always made sure of is that I'm not spending a tonne of money. I've don't feet the urge to splurge on products that are going to run out so soon when I see drugstores full of cheap skin care that doesn't seem to be so different to the expensive brands I see online. Back in the day I tried out many pricey skin products that promised to clear or brighten or 'fix' my skin that just didn't work for me, I understand the more expensive products tend to contain more luxurious ingredients but I personally don't want to spend hundreds on something to wash my face.

I want to look after my skin and use products with healthy ingredients that can keep my skin looking fresh and clear without breaking the bank. I've been doing my current skin care religiously for a month and so far it hasn't failed me and I'm really enjoying all the products I've been using. I have 10 products that I use on a regular basis that are all under £10, (or just over, I tried I'm sorry!)! One of my favourite places to find affordable skin care products is TK MAXX because they tend to carry brands I don't see in the drugstore with more obscure products such as the first two products in my list. Some people may not want to use products from brand names they haven't heard of but I research everything before I've put it on my face so I'm pretty confident I'll be ok. 

The first product I use in the morning to cleanse my face is the Da Rose Quartz Face Cleanser which is £6.99 from TK MAXX. I don't like to use anything soapy or too harsh in the mornings as my skin is very sensitive and dry, I just need something to gently remove the products from my night time routine. This cleanser is designed to tone and enrich the skin with nutrients, it's very soft and milky which leaves the skin incredibly soft and it doesn't irritate my dry skin at all. 
Some of the Rose Quartz Crystal Range properties are listed on the Da website, some of these include;
'Attracts love and positive relationships, strengthening existing relationships,Restores confidence, harmony and happiness, Improves vertigo symptoms, Soothes burns and abrasions and Strengthens the circulatory system.'
I'm not sure how much I truly believe these properties are affecting my life but I do think that it's a lovely addition to a simple cleanser and when I'm washing my face with it I do think about my day ahead and try to be more positive about my going ons.

After I've washed and dried my face I use a couple spritz of the Da Rose Quartz Face Mist which is £5.99 from TK MAXX. I mainly bought this product as it matches the cleanser but I was surprised by how much I love it. It promises to tone and hydrate while giving you a glow which I like as I don't often wear make up. I do feel like this helps tone my skin without making it feel too tight which often happens when I use toners on my dry skin so I'm really grateful for that. The best thing about this mist though is that it smells very floral without having that crazy perfumed scent due to the essential oils mixed into the formula. These oils give the skin a subtle dewy look which is very pretty whilst also hydrating the skin. Again the Rose Quartz Range offers 'magical and medicinal properties' but to be honest the smell of this mist does calm me down a lot and makes me relax when I use it in my night time routine.

After toner I use a serum, this is The Skin Method vitamin C facial serum which is £7.99 from TK MAXX again. Vitamin C brightens your skin and makes you appear more awake and fresh whilst also hydrating your skin. I use this serum morning and night after toning, you only use the tiniest amount and can put it on any spots on your body such as face, neck, chest, elbows, hands, feet and knees to keep them hydrated. As soon as I put this product onto my face I can see how much brighter my skin looks plus it absorbs relatively quickly for being such a thick consistency which is really useful during my mornings.

Theres a tonne of vitamin c serums out there, I've been told that Superdrug have a great one that's something crazy like £2! On the other end of the spectrum the Mario Badescu vitamin C serum is £40 for 29ml which is a different kind of crazy. The Skin Method serum comes in a 60ml bottle and is less than a tenner which I'm extremely impressed by.

Once my serum has absorbed I use the E.L.F illuminating eye cream, I don't know if this is cheating slightly but this product us usually £11.50 but is currently on sale in Superdrug for only £3!!! I bought this product in one of the many 3 for 2 sales Boots has so in reality it is super easy to find this eye cream for under £10. I like to use an eye cream as I get very dry sensitive skin around my eyes and like to have a more concentrated moisturising product to keep my skin hydrated. The E.L.F eye cream is infused with vitamin E which helps reduce puffiness and gives a brighter appearance under your eyes, this makes a big difference for me as I tend to have a purple undertone under my eyes which is hardly noticeable after I use this cream.

I brought this T-Zone Spot Zapping Gel from Home Bargains because it was only 99p and I only get the occasional spot here and there so I didn't want to spend much money on a product I wouldn't really use. This product isn't going to clear up acne or get rid of cystic pimples but when I feel a random spot coming up on my skin or wake up with a baby spot I use a bit of this product on it and within a couple hours the spot is significantly smaller or at least it looks far less irritated. The gel formula contains the classic tea tree, witch hazel and salicylic acid which are contained in pretty much every anti-blemish product you can find. This isn't a miracle, life changing product but it is handy to have if you only need a spot zapping product occasionally.

The last product in my morning routine is the Hydro Boost water gel from Neutrogena, this is £12.99 but again I bought this in the Boots 3 for 2 sale. The gel formula of this moisturiser is so soothing and makes my skin so soft, if you store this product in cool, shaded space like advised the cooling effect it can have on your skin is incredible, the cold product against tired skin in the morning helps you wake up while making your skin look fresh. This moisturiser promises to boost hydration and look it in all day for smooth, supple and renewed skin and I would definitely vouch for it and say this product does everything it says it should. The texture of this moisturiser is different to every other I have tried and it never looks oily thanks to the oil free formula, this is a dry skin staple for me and I couldn't live without it.

In the evenings, especially if I've been wearing make up throughout the day, I like to use a soapy face wash to make sure my face is completely free of make up and clean. My favourite face wash is the Soap and Glory Vitamin C Facial Wash which is £8 from Boots. Alongside this product I use my face brush to really foam up the product on my face and remove any dirt or makeup residue leaving it fully clarified. The reason I like the Soap and Glory face wash more than another face wash is the fact that technically this face 'soap' isn't a soap, the ingredients are much more gentle on the skin but still create a foam without drying out the skin surface. After using this face wash my skin feels so soft and incredibly clean, I use this in the evenings in place of my morning cleanser to prep my skin for my evening products.

Also this bottle is huge! You get 350ml of product so its one hundred percent worth the money, I've had this since December and I'm not even halfway through it yet!

In the evenings I use the Revolution Beauty Quinoa Night Peel gently night peeling serum.  This product is only £8 and the 30ml bottle has lasted me months! The main thing that attracted me to this product was the promise of smoother skin texture, the gentle quinoa extract lifts away dead skin cells and boosts the skins natural cell turnover. I like this product and can see the visible affect it's had on my skin, especially on my cheeks where I had some acne scarring made to look worse by dry skin, the texture of my skin has changed dramatically and now it's silky smooth. As well as hydrating dry skin you need to gently exfoliate and remove the dry, dead skin cells to improve the look of your skin. This peel is so gentle on your skin and gave me no irritation or even dryness at all. The Revolution serum range looks so interesting and I can't wait to try out more of their products!

After leaving the Quinoa Peel to absorb for at least 10 minutes I apply this Olay Overnight Recovery mask which is £9.99 from Superdrug. This night cream leaves my skin feeling so soft and so hydrated and when I wake up in the morning my skin is still super smooth. I don't use this product every night as I do like to give pores some time to breathe but if I know I'm going to wear a full face of make up the next day I like to prepare and hydrate my skin.

I exfoliate my face 2 or 3 times a week, you don't need to exfoliate any more than that otherwise you're going to irritate your skin. To exfoliate my face I use the £3.99 BodyPrescriptions Charcoal and Vitamin C Face Scrub from TK MAXX. This scrub is very very similar to the scrubs from Lush, you need to mix a little water with the product to create the perfect exfoliating texture. This scrub leaves my skin so soft and feeling fresh, my favourite time to use the scrub is if I'm going to do a face mask because I feel like my pores are open and ready to soak in all the goodness from my face mask.

I LOVE skincare, I look forward to doing my morning routine to get me ready to start my day and my me time getting un-ready before bed helps me calm down before going to sleep. There's something deeper to washing your face than just hygiene, spending time out of your day to really look after your skin and give your body some love really boosts your confidence and lets you show yourself some self love in a really simple way. You don't need to spend loads of money to have nice products, there are tonnes of affordable products out there that can do exactly the same jobs!

Tuesday, April 2, 2019


I started off my Friday by going to see the amazing BloodFlowersTattoo at FatFugu tattoo studios to get some more of her beautiful work added to my body (hence the cling film wrapped arm). This time I opted for two little tattoos, a snowflake for my little niece Jeanie and a dog appreciation tattoo for obvious reasons. I hadn't been into FatFugu since it's renovation and I was shocked with how different it now looks, the place is so welcoming and relaxing and everyone there was lovely. BloodFlowersTattoo is without a doubt my favourite person to get tattooed by, she's so easy to chat to and she's insanely good at what she does.  If you want to read a little more about her or my other tattoos then I have a whole blog post up about them all and how I look after them. 

As some of you may know, March 29th marked Lush's 30th birthday and I was invited along to their birthday event!  They have added over 50 bath bombs, a mix of completely new bath bombs and also bringing back some old favourites. Each store can choose a selection of these 50 products to bring into their individual stores, this means each store could have a whole different bath bomb selection. I got to chat about the new bath bombs with the wonderful staff and learn about all the ingredients and the wonders each bath bomb can do for your skin. 

I was invited to smell and play around with these new bath bombs to help the Northampton Lush store chose their favourites. I even got my own lanyard! I felt very special, especially since this was my first blogger event, the Lush store made me feel so welcome and were so good at explaining each new product, what the ingredients were and how they would benefit my skin. I also got the chance to make my own bath bomb! Mine doesn't look nearly as nice as the picture in the store but I'm still pretty proud of my attempt at a bath bomb. I made the geode bath bomb which is the fanciest bath bomb I've ever seen, so much glitter and sparkle, I can't wait to use it!

'This precious geode is formed from mineral-rich salt and antibacterial sodium bicarbonate, drawing out impurities from the skin to leave it feeling thoroughly cleansed. As it cracks open with popping candy, pearl lustre escapes like fragments of agate and the water turns an eye-catching gold and pink colour. Lavender absolute and bergamot work in harmony, leaving your mind crystal clear.' - Lush

After smelling the majority of the bath bombs in the shop I narrowed my favourites down to seven, I was aiming for five but couldn't do it so I settled with the seven. Carry on reading to get an overview of my favourites and a little bit of extra information I picked up from my chats with the wonderful staff!

Ginger Ninja

'Hidden inside this stealthy ninja lies an abundance of highly skilled ingredients working undercover. This balancing bath bomb will help you to keep a cool head no matter what life throws at you, while sharp sicilian red mandarin and enlivening bergamot oil will leave you feeling quick-witted and alert. Swiftly fizzing around your bath, Ginger Ninha leaves a trail of copper lustre. Warming ginger gives a powerful punch, before this cunning bath bomb disappears in a flash of popping candy' - Lush

A little back story I was told about this bath bomb is that the inventor watched japanese fight movies and incorporated his love into this bath bomb. The design of the bath bomb is so cute and glittery, once in the water it creates a bronze, sparkly bath with little star surprises.


'Drop it like it’s hot into your bath and watch as a warming orange foam escapes through the cracks in this red orb. As this slow fizzer dissolves into spicy cinnamon and peppermint leaf steam, it eases tensions with a comforting menthol aroma, giving your skin a whole lotta lava.' - Lush

I was told at the even that tis bath bomb is great for an after workout pamper, helping to relax the knots in the muscles and reduce back pains. It lives up to its name 'magma' by giving off a volcano like explosion when placed into the bath.

More Tea and Sympathy

'A soothing, cleansing soak is anyone’s cup of tea. Lay back and steep to your heart’s content as an Earl Grey tea bag emerges from the bright pink fizzing teapot that releases a feel-good bergamot and neroli fragrance and a spattering of blue cornflowers. With green tea to clarify and cleanse the skin, there’s plenty of reason to treat yourself or a loved one to a much-deserved cuppa.' - Lush

This bath bomb is adorable, it is part of the lush mothers day range and if you know me at all, you will know that I cannot live without tea so this is the perfect bath bomb for me, there's even an earl grey tea bag in the centre! The perfect little mothers day gift.

Black Rose

'Wash away your woes with sweet rose. This richly romantic Turkish rose and lemon love story will have you falling head over heels for bathing all over again. A kiss of conditions Fair Trade cocoa butter hydrates, while balancing geranium leaves you skin looking blooming beautiful.' - Lush

I had to buy this one, cocoa butter is my favourite thing on the planet and this bath bomb is full of it. This bath bomb turns your average bath into a black oasis, fizzing slowing to reveal an 'arty' fog to bathe away your woes.


'Take a clean break with sea salt to cleanse mind and body. Cypress and elemi oil give clarity to tangled thoughts, while sweet tangerine oil rejuvenates the skin. Emotionally balancing and grounding, a touch of davana oil soothes and brings you back down to earth - a bath bomb to wash away even the muddiest of days.' - Lush

I love the story behind this one! A Hulder is a seductive fairy in Norwegian folklore, the Hulder fairy lures men into the forest. I'm not sure exactly how this relates to the design of the bath bomb but it does look gorgeous. The contrast between the purple and the emerald green is gorgeous and all the sparkles and crystals on the top look great whilst also being super beneficial to your skin, the sea salt crystals helps relax your muscles as well as softening you skin.

Strawberries and Cream

'What could be better than bathing in a big bath full of strawberries and cream? Use whole, or twist in half to share with a loved one. Fruity strawberry powder freshens and tones, while the creamy filling in this sandwiched bath bomb melts, leaving behind deeply softening water. A touch of black pepper oil gives this bath bomb an edge and brings out its sweet berry scent.' - Lush 

I received this bath bomb in my little Lush gift bag they so kindly gave me and I'm so excited to use it as the 'cream' in the bath bomb contains cocoa butter which my dry skin absolutely loves. The smell this bath bomb gives off is super sweet and as the weather starts to get warmer I imagine this will create a lovely spring time bath. 


'This fruity favourite has returned - Pick this berry when you need to untangle knotted thoughts. Fizzing into lovely lilac waters, Blackberry Bath Bomb has a sweet but earthy fragrance, setting your feet firmly back on the ground so you feel more rooted. As it is released into the water, woody olibanum covers the skin in a soothing slip, hydrating and softening. Found in essential oils such as lemongrass and neroli, limonene adds an uplifting, clarifying kick, working in harmony with cleansing bergamot. Sink deep into the steamy water and let your worries dissolve.' - Lush

The Blackberry bath bomb is the first bomb that Lush created and it was discontinued before I every got to try it. Its comeback includes a revamp in design, now looking exactly like a blueberry as well as smelling like one. I love the concept of using this bath bomb to re-centre your thoughts and the hydrating element of it really speaks to me. I was told the deep purple water dances with the oils creating beautiful spirals across your bath, that sounds magical.

I would just like to say thank you so much to Lush Northampton for inviting me and being so welcoming and wonderful! I had such a lovely time and came away with some really exciting goodies to try out! What is everyones favourite bath bomb? I would love to hear some recommendations as I have arrived a little late on the bath bomb trend. 

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