Tuesday, December 3, 2019


It is somehow already the last month of 2019 - how did that happen? Now we've reached December that means only two things are on my mind; cosy nights in with endless amounts of hot chocolate and, obviously, Christmas. Yes, it is the festive month and I am so incredibly excited. I have already decorated my flat and planned a bunch of Christmas activities that I can fill my December with, so  I thought I would share these with you to get you in the festive mood! Also, just a quick note to say, if you don't celebrate Christmas I apologise for the bombardment of festive themes that me and many other bloggers are probably hitting you with over this month.

(our beautiful Christmas tree ft the creepy snowman candle on the windowsill)
(another thing, the tree is a tad wonky because my boyfriend wanted his figurine of The Rock to be the tree topper, so poor little Dwayne is stuck to a kebab stick which is then in turn stuck to my star tree topper.)

Decorating on a budget! 

At first, I thought that using Amazon would mean finding a cheaper Christmas tree and decorations but when we started looking online the prices were still way more than what we wanted to pay, so we set aside a day to venture off into town and mooch about till we found some cheaper alternatives. First we started in one of the two charity shops in Birmingham town centre and found a load of little decorations including; the £1 star tree topper,  a £4 bag of multi coloured baubles, £1 strips of tinsel that I wrapped around out curtain poles, a kind of creepy snowman candle and some brand new 'Merry Christmas' banners. It was nice that whilst also buying cheaper festive decorations we were giving money towards something helpful, even if when we got home the baubles had no strings to actually hang them on the tree.

We also quickly looked around Primark, where we bought some more £1 tinsel (the silver strips on the tree) and the tiny, purple, orange, green and pink baubles that were only £1 in the reduced items section. At this point though, we still didn't have a tree to put all of these decorations on. Luckily B&M pulled through and we bought a 6ft Christmas Tree for only £12! I feel like an adult now I have my own Christmas Tree, it's odd. We also bought some fairy lights for the tree, I love fairy lights and I have already got lights strung around the whole circumference of the living room, these lights were only £5 but they flash on and off a lot making it a little intense but I can live with it. B&M also saved us from our stringless baubles and we bought a pack of 30 baubles that matched our Primark ones perfectly, plus they were half the price of the ones we nearly bought off Amazon - I'm a sucker for savings. I have to add a little disclaimer, the tree is a tad wonky because my boyfriend wanted his figurine of The Rock to be the tree topper, so poor little Dwayne is stuck to a kebab stick which is then in turn stuck to my star tree topper.

My Christmas haul cost just about £35 and we got more than we needed in hindsight really. It may not be pinterest worthy but, to me, it's absolutely perfect.

Plans for this month!

One thing I am really looking forward to is going to the German Market here in Birmingham. The whole thing just looks gorgeous and even though I've walked through it many times since it opened last month I haven't had the chance to actually properly look or visit any of the stalls there. I do have plans to go there this week to eat and drink there, I've been told they do alcoholic hot chocolate which is something I can't miss out on.

I'm also planning to do a lot of crying while looking at the 'Black Friday' sales, thinking of all them shoes and clothes that I don't need but want to buy. Even though there are sales, things are still so expansive and I can do some serious damage online shopping, plus people are being sneaky this year, like did anyone else see ASOS raising their original prices to make their sales look like better savings?

As well as spending money, I'm also going to be spending time with my family. I don't get to see too much of them now I live further away so I can't wait to see everyone and get down the pub because "why not, it's Christmas". I'm also really looking forward to the release of the 'Little Women' movie, I know it's not particularly Christmassy but the trailer has enticed me.

I'm also working on some Christmas and New Year party outfit blogposts as well as make up Instagram videos because I've actually been teaching myself some more exciting make up looks which I am quite proud of.

A friends Christmas!

Even though I'm going back home for Christmas I still wanted to do Christmas with all my friends here in Birmingham. We've planned a 'Friends Christmas' at our flat so we're having our own Christmas day like two weeks before the actual day. We will be eating a gourmet dinner freshly sourced from the Iceland party food section, and it will be a picnic style affair as my dinner table only just fits two people. Also we're all living off the last of out student loans so instead of buying each of our friends a present we're doing a Secret Santa so everyone still has something to commemorate this sure to be spectacular event.

I'm super excited for December and I really hope it meets all my Christmassy expectations. Wether or not you're celebrating Christmas, I hope you all have a lovely month with your friends and family!

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