Monday, February 17, 2020


I love a good, solid boot. My family have always been big 'shoe' people, my dad used to work in the industry so this has fuelled my love of footwear. Shoes are so important, I think people often forget how important it is to wear shoes that support your feet as well as looking good, with my dodgy knee I always need to wear something solid so I don't further irritate my old lady joints or fall over, which is something I do more than I'd like to admit. 

Anyway, Dr Martens are my favourite shoes in the entire world, I absolutely love the chunkiness and they just look awesome as well as being super comfy (once broken in). I pretty much am always wearing a black boot of some design, these four boots are my footwear staples at the moment so I'd thought I'd share them with you as we come into rainy season here in the UK. 

(Dr Marten 1460 original boots)

These were the first pair of Dr Martens I ever had. I'm pretty sure I got these when I was in year eight, so I was maybe 13? Yes, my feet have't grown since then, neither have I as a person - not mad about it at all. Any way, uou can definitely tell they are worn but at 7 years old they're still going strong. They're just a solid pair of boots, like how can you go wrong?

How I style - I can't wear these with most of my trousers, only because all my trousers are too long for me so I have to wear a show with some height but there's no reason a person with normal length legs couldn't wear these with trousers. I normally wear these when I have something 'loud' on to leave most of the attention on my outfit, so if I'm wearing a lot of glitter or something with a busy pattern on it. I like to wear these also with prettier looking clothing if I want to dress an outfit down, these are my most worn shoes so I feel like adding them to a fancier outfit makes it a lot more my style - whatever my style actually is, who knows? Not me.

(Dr Martens Molly glitter boots)

I call these my dressing up shoes because I wear them to 'fancier' events instead of trying to walk in heels. I'm pretty sure these are still to this day the most expensive things I've ever bought but wow, just look at them. I never intended to actually buy these shoes but when I tried them on in the store I felt so happy wearing them that I didn't want to ever take them off, so home with me they came.

Because I'm me, glittery platform shoes are an everyday staple, not just an occasion show and I actually get a lot of wear out of these. Oddly, with all the glitter, my favourite thing about these shoes is the eyelets, it's such a small detail and it's just so cute. When I bought these I thought that I was going to change out the ribbon laces but I actually think they look so much better than your average laces do, especially with the glitter. The only downside of the glitter is that you're 'advised' to not wear them in the rain because the material can get damaged and the glitter can fall off, they'll try to sell you some sealant stuff but in reality it's just shoe hairspray so save your coins and buy normal hairspray instead.

How I style - Like I said before, these are my dressing up shoes so I do wear these a lot with dresses and skirts. I mostly wear all black when wearing this pair of shoes because it allows the glitter to really stand out where as when wearing these with a lot of pattern or colour I think the shoes get lost in the outfit.

(ASOS chunky platform boot)

I bought these in an ASOS black Friday event while I was trying to not to buy more platform docs. These boots are a really flattering height, they go higher up my calf than any of my other boots so this winter I've been enjoying wearing them with midi skirts and fluffy socks to keep as much of my leg warm as possible. Again, I wear these all the time even though these platforms are big, like maximum platform-ness. These are way less chunky than my platform Dr Martens so they give a completely different vibe and if you don't like the Dr Martens platform style then I'd definitely recommend these. Because these boots are ASOS's own brand, when I bought them I didn't think they'd last very long or be that great of a quality but so far they're holding up but I've definitely jinxed it now.

As I said before, I bought these strategically to stop myself buying another pair of Dr Martens. I thought that if I already had a pair of plain black platform boots then all my platform dreams would be fulfilled but no. I had had my eyes on the Dr Martens Sinclair boots and I just couldn't not buy them.

How I style - These boots look really cool with skinny jeans, I'm not a big jean wearer but, because these are less chunky on the ankle than the rest of my boots, they make my legs look way longer than they actually are with there being less attention to where the skinny jean ends and the boot starts.

(Dr Martens Sinclair platform boots)

I am literally in LOVE with these boots, like actually in love with them. They make me so happy and I don't care if that makes me sad. Now, these are definitely an expense but they're so incredibly worth it. Because these boots come in this beautiful soft leather, they didn't hurt my feet at all when breaking them in, which is the only downside to Dr Martens in general. These are so cool and chunky and they just look so good no matter what you wear with them.

How I style - I like to wear these with the girliest of dresses and skirts to create a really heavy juxtaposition with the chunky boot. It's a look that just can't ever be beaten. I wear these shoes to my boyfriend's gigs a lot because they all crowd kill and wearing these shoes means that if someone gets in my way or hits me I have a thick ol' sole to kick them back - you've been warned.

I wrote this post because I saw 'It's Sophie' did a post on her Dr Marten collection and I really enjoyed reading it so I wanted to have a stab at it and do it myself. I know Dr Martens are expensive but they literally last a lifetime and you can wear them all year round plus they just look so good with everything, I love them.

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